Monday, September 27, 2010

I don't want a Prince Charming.

Charm is deceptive.
How about a Prince Caring?
Or Prince Responsible?
Or Prince Honest?
This isn't a fairy tale.

1 comment:

  1. Read an article by a wife who said all the things that first attracted her to her husband don't mean nearly as much as his current willingness to get up at night and change a diaper.

    And I read an article by a husband who said his wife showed all kinds of gifts and talents for motherhood and such that he never suspected existed when he married her. Back then he didn't know enough to realize such things were important.

    And I had a friend who broke up with a boyfriend because he had a bad attitude about emptying the dishwasher and she reflected, "This is the stuff life is made of; if he resents having to do these routine chores, he's got a problem."

    So basically, what you said.
