Friday, July 20, 2012

Things to study while convalescing:

1. Biblical inerrancy: what it means, what it looks like, what you do with the weird passages, etc. There are a couple of interesting books I've heard about recently that I want to get my hands on.
2. Cults: my dad and I think we know someone stuck in a cult so I want to reeducate myself in this area.  Waaaaaaay back in my early adulthood I did a lot of study on this topic, but that was a long time ago.  I'm starting my research on this website, and would also like to maybe take a trip down to San Juan Cap while I'm recovering.
3. Anatomy & Physiology: I'm going back to school to be trained as an ultrasound tech and this is one of the first things I would need to take as a pre-req so I'd like to prep myself a little before taking the actual class.  I have a book...I just need to read it.

Isn't that always the way though?  I have a book, I just need to read it.


  1. 1) I became Catholic partly over the question of how we know the Bible is true. That was one of the biggest issues, because I came to conclude that when Protestants left the Catholic Church, they also jettisoned the only logical argument for divine inspiration of the Bible. If you like I'll tell you sometime.

    3) I'm thinking of taking an online course in physiology this fall! Maybe it'll help me get an internship in clinical lab science next year, since my application wasn't attractive enough this year.

  2. Rachel, I actually specifically wanted to talk with you about this issue. Maybe next time I see you?

  3. Sounds good-- I definitely want to see you whenever you're up for making or receiving visits!
