Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Adventure Time

I found out yesterday that my good friend Rachel doesn't like adventuring.  This was a huge shocker, because we've known each other quite a long time and we are greatly alike in many other respects. So I assumed she was like me.  I love adventuring.  If I've gone six months without travel I begin getting depressed.  (I also rearrange my furniture on a regular basis.  Essentially, I thrive on change.)

The last few years have been quiet for me because of being sick and living at home and having surgery.  My passport also expired within that time frame, so I haven't traveled internationally since 2009, and that was just to Canada.   BUT, two weeks from today I get to fly off to the UK for my best British friend's wedding. I will also be visiting one of my ancestral homes, Ireland, for a week. :D :D :D


I am euphoric. 

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