Monday, July 30, 2012


Today is my last Monday at work.  Not just pre-surgery, but ever.  A year and a half ago I came home from the Glorious NW to live with and work for my parents until I could somehow get the endometriosis under control. My favorite memory of the last five years is my first day back at work with my dad.  It was a Saturday spent, just he and I, crating equipment.  It was...restful to be in the comfort of the familiar with my dad.  Machine shops are my childhood.

Even so, today is my last Monday.  When we got in the car this morning Dad said, "It'll be weird..." and I knew what he meant.  He meant "There have been things about this past year and a half that have been great.  I love having my children work with me and care about my business. I know you need to move on, but part of me is really gonna miss this".  At least, that's what I meant when I responded to his unfinished sentence with, "I know".

But the surgery is going to bring me healing and I can move forward. I know machine shops, but I don't know machining.  Really...I suck at it.  I have a fantastic work ethic because of my dad, but all the ethic in the world will never teach me to hold the measuring tools correctly or give me the strength to lift the heavy stuff (and there is a lot of heavy stuff around here!). This was always going to be temporary. Still, I'm kind of sad this morning.

1 comment:

  1. Nearly cried reading this. I love the shop, and all the memories of working alongside our hard-working dear ole dad.
