Thursday, August 29, 2013

Art for now

I wanted to post yesterday about the 50th anniversary of MLK's "I Had a Dream" speech, but I never got to it. Maybe I will in the next few weeks.  There's lots I have to say about race, but this week I'm simply too busy to write anything meaningful.  So I will direct you instead to you my favorite artist:

If you read this blog regularly (i.e. we're friends in real life) there's a strong possibility you've already heard of Ms. Furman because of me. :)  This woman paints what I would paint if I could paint, which is why I love her. Here's my current fave: 

"Doubts - they get the best of me" by Marcia Furman
If you like her style you can buy cool things at her Etsy and Zazzle shops.  (Also a good place to go if you're dying to buy me a present but have no idea what to get...)